Wednesday, April 29, 2009

HCMC - 27/4

We had a cyclo ride today, on our way to visit the War Remnants Museum. Pretty disconcerting being pedaled through insane amounts of traffic but you just have to go with it. It certainly beat walking in the heat and humidity. We went via the HCMC version of Notre Dame Cathedral, pretty similar in shape but minus a lot of the features that make the Paris version such a land mark. One lesson we've learned today is that you just pay for the cyclo rider for the journey, you don't get them to wait for you despite their protests to the contrary. Unfortunately they charge a lot per hour - D'oh! The War Remnants Museum is worth a visit, it houses a lot of evidence of war crimes against the Vietnamese people as well as propaganda posters, photos (some quite famous ones), weapons and art work. Its also a pretty damning indictment against American foreign policy. Following the museum, we had a bit of a walk around - past the Reunification Hall and through a bit of an up-market suburb on our way to HCMC's local Hindu Temple. It's got some pretty interesting architecture and statues inside, it was also quite busy. Following the temple we had dinner near our hotel at one of the hundreds of side street restaurants and organised some travel to Dalat.

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